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Title |
Title |
Superconductivity of Bi_2(Sr_<0.6>Ca_<0.4>)_3(Cu_<1-x>M_x)_2O_<8+y>(M=Fe,Co,Ni,Zn)
Title Transcription |
BI 2 SR 0.6 CA 0.4 3 CU 1-X MX 2 O 8+Y M=FE CO NI ZN ノ チョウデンドウ トクセイ
Creator |
Ito Takashi
Hirasawa Teruhiko
Source Title |
Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Shimane University
Volume | 23 |
Start Page | 79 |
End Page | 83 |
Journal Identifire |
ISSN 03879925
Descriptions |
Electrical resistivity and magnetic susceptibility of superconducting Bi_2(Sr_<0.6>Ca_<0.4>)_3 (Cu_<l-x>M_x)_20<8+y> (M=Fe, Co, Ni, Zn) system have been measured in the temperature range from 4.2 to 300 K. The substitution of 3d transition elements for Cu element shows that the superconducting transition temperature T_c decreases smoothly with increasing the concentration x of 3d transition elements, and that the decreasing rate of T_c vs x decreases with increasing the atomic number of 3d transition elements. The effects of magnetic monents of Fe , Co and Ni elements on the superconductivity are not notable.
Language |
Resource Type | departmental bulletin paper |
Publisher |
The Faculty of Science, Shimane University
Date of Issued | 1989-12-25 |
Access Rights | open access |
Relation |
[NCID] AN00108106