Title |
The Association Between Cancer and Dementia: A National Cohort Study in Sweden
Creator |
Sun Ming
Wang Youxin
Sundquist Jan
Sundquist Kristina
Ji Jianguang
Source Title |
Volume | 10 |
Journal Identifire |
ISSN 2234-943X
Subjects |
cancer; dementia; inverse association; incidence; nationwide
Language |
Resource Type | journal article |
Publisher |
Date of Issued | 2020-02-4 |
Access Rights | metadata only access |
Relation |
[DOI] 10.3389/fonc.2020.00073
[PMID] 32117730
Remark | This work was supported by grants awarded to JJ by the Swedish Research Council (2016-02373) and Cancerfonden (2017 CAN2017/340) and The Crafoord Foundation, to KS and to JS by the Swedish Research Council (2018-02400 and 2016-01176, respectively), to JS, KS, and JJ by ALF funding from Region Skane, to YWby National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (81673247 and 81872682). The funding agencies had no role in the design and conduct of the study; in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data; or in the preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript. The researchers were independent of the funding agencies. |