Development of Ovule and Embryo Sac in Blotched Tree Peony (Paeonia rockii)

島根大学生物資源科学部研究報告 Volume 4 Page 13-20 published_at 1999-12-20
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d0040004n003.pdf 6.54 MB エンバーゴ : 2002-04-01
Development of Ovule and Embryo Sac in Blotched Tree Peony (Paeonia rockii)
Fang-yun Cheng
Source Title
Volume 4
Start Page 13
End Page 20
Journal Identifire
ISSN 13433644
This paper dealt with the ovule ontogenesis and development, the megasporogenesis and the embryo sac development in Paeonia rockii cvs. The ovule, originated from the tri-zonate primordium, was anatropous, bitegmic and crassinucellate. And the nucellus consisted of different cytohistological zones and differentiated by a particular way in which the derivative cells from both parietal and sporogeneous cells were contributed to the nucellar tissue. During the megasporogenesis and before the 4-nuclear embryo sac, the megasporocytes successively entered meiosis or commenced to degenerate. Generally a linear tetrad formed after meiosis and the chalazal megaspore was functional and developed into embryo sac by Polygonum type. Multicelled archesporium and multiple megasporocytes in an ovule resulted in 1-3 embryo sacs, which developed to mature within several days after anthesis. Belated mature of embryo sacs supplies a device to guarantee the cross-pollination. The characteristics about ovule and embryo sac of peonies were more primitive and imply the primitive of Paeoniaceae in phylogeny
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Shimane University, Faculty of Life and Environmental Science
Date of Issued 1999-12-20
Access Rights open access
[NCID] AA1112906X
Remark 1-12+ / 1996-2007