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Title |
Title |
ESR Spectra of Some Phenyl Nitroxide Radicals
Title Transcription |
フェニル ナイトロキサイド ラジカル ノ ESR スペクトル
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Source Title |
島根大学教育学部紀要. 自然科学
Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Natural science
Volume | 15 |
Start Page | 11 |
End Page | 14 |
Journal Identifire |
ISSN 05869943
Descriptions |
Phenyl nitroxide radicals were obtained by UV irradiation on phenyl hydroxylamine-dioxane solutions containing oxygen gas. ESR parameters determined from analysis of these spectra were very close with the only exception in the case of methyl proton hyperfine splitting AH (CH_3) in all tolyl nitroxide radicals. Hyperfine splittjng of methyl proton o-, m-, and p-tolyl nitroxide radicals were 1.98, 0.97, and 3.02 G respectively. Such nonconstancy between the hyperfine splitting of methyl proton in o- and p-tolyl nitroxide radicals is an very interesting result and it may be explained by the steric interactions between NO group including unpaired electron and methyl group out of phenyl plane.
Language |
Resource Type | departmental bulletin paper |
Publisher |
The Faculty of Education Shimane University
Date of Issued | 1981-12-25 |
Access Rights | open access |
Relation |
[NCID] AN00107941