
島根大学農学部研究報告 Volume 26 Page 15-19 published_at 1992-12-21
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d0030026n003.pdf 648 KB エンバーゴ : 2001-10-08
Regression models for the small end diameter-price per m_3 curve of Ate (Thujopsis dolabrata SIEB. et ZUCC var. hondai MAKINO) logs at Noto district
Title Transcription
ノト チホウ アテマルタザイ ノ マツコウケイ ト M_3 アタリ カカク ノ カンケイ キョクセン ノ ケントウ
Inada Mitsuo
Source Title
Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University
Volume 26
Start Page 15
End Page 19
Journal Identifire
ISSN 0370940X
The auther proposed new regression models for the small end diameter-price per m3 of Ate (Thujopsis dolabrata SIEB. et ZUCC var. hondai MAKINO) logs, and examined thier applicability. In general, rising with diameter increasing, the price of logs is high within a certain diameter range that is suitable for a pillar use. This pricediameter relation can be expressed by the regression model with one peak which mathematical expression is

p = f(d) + a + bd

where p is a log price per m3, d is a top end diameter, f(d) is a peak function and a, b are constants. Following two types functions were proposed for the peak function.

GAUSS type f_G(d) = h exp [-(log2)(<(d-u)/w>^2)]

LORENZ type f_L(d) = f_L(d) = h/(1+<((d-u)/w)^2>)

where d is a small end h, u, w are constats.
The applicability of these models was examined by appled them to five observed price-diameter relationships of Ate at Noto district, Ishikawa. These regression models shown better fits and reliablity than the following ordinary eqution

p = a_0 + a_1d + a_2d^3 + a_3d^3 + a_4d^4

where p is a log price per m3, d is a small end diameter and a_0, a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4 are constants.
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Shimane University, Faculty of Agriculture
Date of Issued 1992-12-21
Access Rights open access
[NCID] AN00108015