Laguna : 汽水域研究

アクセス数 : 1276
ダウンロード数 : 134
Laguna : 汽水域研究 4 巻
1997-03 発行

ベンゼン-液体シンチレーション法による14C年代測定の実際(その2) : Quantulus 1220による計測

Radiocarbon Dating Practices by Benzene Liquid Scintillation Method(II) : Beta Activity Counting by Quantulus 1220
竹廣 文明
吉田 洋子
d0070004l011.pdf ( 1.72 MB )
The primary aim of this report is to introduce how to use the 1220 Quantulus liquid scintillation counting system for the quantitative measurement of extremely low levels of ^14C beta activity. It starts from vials setting, and technique of operation of Queue Manager software for controlling 1220 Quantulus is given. Using teflon/copper vials with Quantulus, very high accuracy is now attainable in this as shown by Gupta and Polach(1985).