島根大学論集. 人文科学

アクセス数 : 1037
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島根大学論集. 人文科学 10 巻
1961-03-20 発行

The Matthew Poems and Wordsworth

常松 正雄
a006010h015.pdf ( 829 KB )
William Wordsworth's school life at Hawkshead is very significant in his growtb as a poet. In the present survey, the relationship between his experiences at Hawkshead and his growth as a poet has been examined through The Matthew Poems which are the products of his experiences there. Among other things, his encounter with Rev. Wil1iam Taylor at Haowkshead has deep meaning to his spiritual development. In the Matthew Poems, Wordsworth idealizes this master in the hero, Matthew. By examining these poems, it becomes clear to what extent he respected this teacher and to what degree Taylor exerted his influence upon the poet. Taylor is the person who made a poet of Wordsworth. Also in these poems this writer finds out some of the characteristics of Wordsworth's composition of verse.
In these respects The Matthew Poems should not be overlooked.