島根大学教育学部紀要. 自然科学

Current Issue
Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Natural science
.Volume 2
Uniformities for Function Spaces and Continuity Conditions
Karube Takashi
PP. 1 - 12
Studies on the Dielectric Properties of Organic Solvent(II) : A New Formula on the Refractive Index of Organic Binary Solvent System
Takano Senseki
PP. 13 - 18
An Ecological Study of Some Japanese Aerial and Terrestrial Algae
Akiyama Masaru Sagawa Noriko
PP. 19 - 29
The Effect of Phytohemagglutinin on Proliferation of Human Cell Strains in Vitro
Seto Takeshi
PP. 30 - 37
Researches at Home and Abroad on the Body Condition(Especially, the Conformation and the Body-weight) to Fit the Draught Animal(II) : The Body Condition Favourable for the Function of Propulsion
Morimasa Sadato
PP. 38 - 49
Some notes on the pitchstones from the Shimane peninsular district, Shimane prefecture, Japan
Miura Kiyoshi
PP. 50 - 57
Studies on the Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance of Iodine(II) : Effects of Gamma Ray Irradiation
Sakami Jiro
PP. 58 - 60
An Improved Apparatus of the Oscillo Graphic Polarography Using the Triangular Voltage Multi-sweep
Fukuma Akira - Furukawa Akinobu
PP. 61 - 69