島根大学教育学部紀要. 自然科学

アクセス数 : 989
ダウンロード数 : 100
島根大学教育学部紀要. 自然科学 Volume 20
published_at 1986-12-25

ハロゲン化アルカリ中の<Sn>^<2+>中心のスペクトルに及ぼす陽イオン空位の影響(II) : 計算機シミュレーション

Effect of Cation Vacancy on the Spectra of <Sn>^<2+> Conters in Alkali Halides(II) : Computer Simulation
Kamishina Yoshio
b001002000k002.pdf ( 681 KB )
The lineshape function for opticalabsorption due to ionic impurities with the <ns>^2 outer electron configuration, incorporated substitutionally in alkali halide crystals, has been simulated for divalent impunty ions in order to check the validity of the tetraganal field perturbation model which was developed in the previous paper I. The complete energy matrix has been diagonalized directly.
Integration over the six dimensionalinteraction mode coordinates has been carried out numerically using Monte Carlo method. The calculated lineshape functions for optical absorption at several temperatures arein reasonably satisfactory agreement with the experimentally determined lineshapes.