島根大学論集. 教育学関係

Current Issue
島根大学論集. 教育学関係
.Volume 2
Domestic Science as a Science
[Mizoue Yasuko]
PP. 1 - 13
A Study of Socio-Economic Foundations of Education in Shimane Ken
Nozu Yoshio
PP. 14 - 22
Text Books of Science in the American Elementary Schools : Those Shown in the "UNDERSTANDING SCIENCE series" 1951
Kamita Tsuneichi
PP. 23 - 35
Vocational Education and Craft Guild : Chiefly in Reference to the Study of Humanity
[Katsube Kunio]
PP. 36 - 53
A Methodological Hypothesis of the Mathematical Teaching : Based on the Mathematical Qualities of Experience and Thinking
[Miura Taiji]
PP. 54 - 68
The Fundamental Types of Originality and the Method of Development
[Kono Michitada]
PP. 69 - 83
A Preliminary Study on the Teachers' Adjustment : Especially on the Affliction of Secondary School Teachers
[Ogawa Kazuo]
PP. 84 - 93
A Study on the Regional and School Differences from the Viewpoint of the Rerults of Entrance Examinations to the Government Higher Schools : Chiefly in Reference to the Scholastic Aptitude Tests Held in 1948
[Mori Shigetoshi]
PP. 94 - 105