島根大学論集. 教育学関係

島根大学論集. 教育学関係
.3 巻
Hypothesis upon the Instruction in Ploblem Solving : Based on the Construction of Msthematical Solutions
三浦 泰二
PP. 1 - 10
Method of Domestic Economy Survey
岡田 三郎
PP. 11 - 28
Practical Problems Concerning the Instruction of "Science Education" Found in the Correspondence Course
上田 常一
PP. 29 - 44
An Observation on the Charcter of Vocational Education From the Viewpoint of Business Education
勝部 邦夫
PP. 45 - 60
History Education in the Early Period of Meiji
岩成 博
PP. 61 - 75
A Study of Physical Fitness of the Elementary and Secondary School Boys aud Girls in Shimane Prefecture
藤原 恭一
PP. 76 - 92
Survey of Household Labour in the Farm Village Homes
大塚 としえ 内山 登美子
PP. 93 - 109