島根大学論集. 教育科学

Current Issue
島根大学論集. 教育科学
.Volume 16
Thinking and Values in Education : Experimentalist-Approach to the Mind
Hibi Yutaka
PP. 1 - 11
On the Interaction between the Child Development and its Education
Katayama Mitsuharu
PP. 13 - 29
Individual Attitude and Social Norm : Social Psychological Approach to Pervention of Traffic Accident
Nishiyama Satoru
PP. 31 - 42
A Study of Political Attitudes
Hisamatsu Masanori
PP. 43 - 55
A Comparative Study on the Educational Thoughts described in the Tannisho and the Abendstunde eines Einsiedlers
Takano Senseki
PP. 57 - 66
Inductive- Deductive Approach in Elementary Science Experiments
Itoh Yoshiki
PP. 67 - 82
A Study of the Attentiveness in Piano Touch-Method Exercises(II)
Kura Seizo
PP. 83 - 89
A Study of Social Opinion for Physical Educatton
Nagai Yasuhiro Kodama Kouhei
PP. 91 - 113
Problems of the Rythmic Play in Thematic Expressions by Kindergarden Children
Usui Ei
PP. 115 - 134
The Present Conditions and Future Problems of Physical Recreation in Rural Community
Dan Takuma
PP. 143 - 153
A Study of Managemnet in School Physical Education ; The Real Condition in Physical Education for Public schools
Orioku Nobuo
PP. 155 - 169