著者 |
前田 定廣
内容記述(抄録等) | In a complex n(≧ 2)-dimensional complex projective space CPn(c) of constant holomorphic sectional curvature c(> 0), a type (A) hypersurface is one of fundamental examples in the theory of real hypersurfaces isometrically immersed into this ambient space. The purpose of this paper is to make a survey of fundamental properties of type (A) hypersurfaces in CPn(c).
主題 | type (A) hypersurfaces
geodesic spheres
hypersurfaces of type (A2)
complex projective spaces
extrinsic geodesics
characteristic vector fields
掲載誌情報 |
, 1
- 19
, 2020
出版者 | 総合理工学部