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島根大学理学部紀要 15
1981-12-20 発行


Streptophyllopsis a new genus of Laminariaceae,Phaeophyta, from Japan
梶村 光男
 Streptophyllopsis kuroshioensis (SEGAWA) gen. et comb. nov. is described herein on the basis of the detailed observations on the abundant materials collected from deep-waters in the Oki Islands, Shimane Prefecture, in the past seven years since 1974. The frond of the new taxon has a shortly stipitate simple annual blade arising singly from each terminal of the dichotomously branched perennial prostrate branch which has perennial haptera on its ventral surface. Mucilage-canals are present in the blade, stipe and the prostrate branch. Sporangial sori are formed on both surfaces of the blade and the stipe. The paraphysis has a short mucilaginous appendage.