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島根大学総合理工学部紀要.シリーズA 32
1998-12-24 発行


Chemical compositions of the constituent minerals from the Sambagawa metamorphic rocks in the Hrroishi area, eastem Shikoku, Japan
馬渕 映美
The Sambagawa metamorphic rocks ranging from the chlorite zone to thegarnet zone are widely distributed in the Hiroishi area, eastern Shikoku, Japan. The Sambagawa metamorphic rocks include pelitic schists,basic schists and a small amount of sliiceous and psammitic schists. The chemicalcompositions of the constituent minerals of the Sambagawa basic and pelitic schists were analyzed by an electron probe microanalyzer,and the representative chemical compositions of the amphibole,garnet,muscovite and chlorite are represented in this paper.