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島根大学総合理工学部紀要.シリーズA 31
1997-12-26 発行


Chemical Composition of Kosmochlor and Related Minerals from Tectonic Blocks within the Osayama Ultramafic Body in the Sangun Metamorphic Belt, Southwest Japan
阪本 志津枝
The Osayama ultramafic body occurs in the high-P/T Sangun metamorphic belt, southwest Japan. The northeastern parts of the Osayama ultramafic body are a serpentinite melange with tectonic blocks of diverse lithology and metamorphic grade. Chemical compositions of the constituent minrals from the tectonic blocks such as kosmochlor-bearing and -free actinolite-tremolite rocks and jadeitites in the Osayama ultramafic body are provided in this paper.