Shimane Journal of Medical Science

Shimane University Faculty of Medicine
ISSN :0386-5959(冊子体)
ISSN :2433-2410(オンライン)

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Shimane Journal of Medical Science 4 1
1980-06-01 発行

Serum Cholesterol Levels in Children from Urban and Rural communities - The Shimane Heart Study

西尾 利一
森 忠三
阿部 勝利
斎藤 正一
冨田 豊
羽根田 紀幸
中尾 安次
Serum cholesterol levels were determined in 358 Japanese school children aged from 12-15 years. The subjects belonged to three different schools located in an urban area (A), a fishing village (B), and a mountain village (C), respectively.
Cholesterol levele in urban area A were significantly higher than the levels in rural areas B and C (p < 0.01). Mean values±SD were ; for boys, 165.2±22.4 mg/dl in A, 137.6±16.4 in B,138.8±30.0 in C, and for girls, 169.5±23.6 in A, 152.0±25.8 in B, 142.6±21.8 in C.
Frequency of hypercholesterolemic children (<200 mg/dl) was significantly higher in the urban area (6.9% in A) than in rural areas (1.9% in B and 2.0% in C). Eight percent of children in a mountain village were hypocholesterolemic (<110 mg/dl), thereby reflecting an inadequate diet.