Shimane Journal of Medical Science

Shimane University Faculty of Medicine
ISSN :0386-5959(冊子体)
ISSN :2433-2410(オンライン)

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Shimane Journal of Medical Science 4 1
1980-06-01 発行

Dopamine Uptake by Rabbit Atria and Peripheral Arteries and Effects of Haloperidol

中嶋 恵美子
服部 圭佑
The uptake and metabolism of dopamine by isolated rabbit atria, aortae and arteries were measured after a 20 min incubation with ^<14>C-dopamine (10^<-7>M). The total uptake of ^<14>C-dopamine equivalents in the tissues was the highest in the renal arteries, and about one third of this uptake proved to be noradrenaline, the most important metabolite of dopamine. The uptake of ^<14>C-dopamine was markedly reduced in all the vascular tissues preincubated with 10^<-5>M haloperidol for 30 min. Thus, dopamine as well as noradrenaline may be taken up and stored in the same sites of adrenergic nerve terminals.