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島根大学医学部紀要 41
2019-03 発行


Assessment of Cardiac Function and Hemodynamic Status Using Exercise Stress Echocardiography in Healthy Subjects
今岡 圭
岡田 大司
To study the changes in hemodynamics during cardiopulmonary exercise in healthy subjects using echocardiography.

Thirty adult male subjects were measured for tricuspid valve regurgitation maximum velocity (TRVmax) as an indicator of pulmonary hypertension, oxygen uptake at the time of anaerobic metabolism threshold (AT) and the peak were measured. Subjects were divided into two groups, such that normal blood pressure group (normal group) and SBP(SPB:systolic blood pressure) ≧ 130mmHg as high blood pressure group (high pressure group).
The duration which TRVmax became ≧ 2.9 m / sec in load (TRVmax 2.9 time) and the duration which reached to AT (AT time) were compared.

There were no significant differences between the two groups except for TRVmax. The normal group showed that AT time was longer than TRVmax 2.9 time, but the high pressure group exhibited that AT time was shorter than TRVmax 2.9 time.

【Summary 】
Depending on the disease, CPX should be performed using echocardiography, to prescribe a safe physical exercise.

成人男性30 名を対象とし、収縮期血圧(SBP) < 130mmHgの血圧正常群( 正常群)とSBP≧ 130 mmHgの血圧高値群( 高値群)に分けた。嫌気性代謝閾値(AT) 時とpeak 時の酸素摂取量等を測定し、三尖弁逆流最大速度(TRVmax)を肺高血圧の指標とし、負荷中TRVmax≧ 2.9 m/secとなる時間(TRVmax 2.9 time)と、ATとなる時間(AT time)を比較した。

2 群間でTRVmaxのみ有意差を認めた。正常群ではAT time≧TRVmax 2.9 timeであり、高値群はAT time≦TRVmax 2.9 timeであった。
