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島根医科大学紀要 25
2002-12-01 発行

看護職者の育児支援に関する研究 : 第2報 地方と都市部の家族機能の比較検討

Studies of child-rearing support among nurses : second report : comparison of family functions between rural and urban nurses
丸山 泰子
石倉 武子
宮崎 康二
山口 雅子
 本研究は,地方と都市部における育児期間中の看護職者の家族機能について比較検討を行うことを目的とした。出雲圏内の看護職者989人(以下,地方群とする)と大阪府内853人(以下,都市部群とする)を対象として,自記式質問票による調査を行った。家族機能の測定用具として,Olsonら(1986)の開発したFamily Adaptability Cohesion and Evaluation Scale-HI(FACES-III)を使用した。
The purpose of this study was to compare family functions between rural and urban nurses. A self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted among 989 nurses in lzumo City (rural group) and 853 in Osaka prefecture (urban group). The Japanese
version of the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales-III(FACES-III) developed by Olson et al. (1986), was used to measure family functions.
The results showed that 525 (61%) nurses in the rural group and 156 (23%) in the urban group had had experience with child rearing. The mean number of children was significantly higher (p<.OOl) in the rural group (2.3 children) than in the urban
group (1.9 children). Sixty-eight percent of the urban group lived in nuclear families, sixty percent of the rural group lived with parents-in-law and twenty percent of the rural nurses lived with their own parents.
The Circumplex Model proposed by Olson et al. (1986) is rectangular with cohesion and adaptability as its two subscales, and hypothesizes a curvilinear relationship between these factors. Cohesion means emotional bonding among family members, and adaptability means the ability of family members to adapt their roles in response to stress. The values of these factors in most balanced families are in the central area, not at the extremes. The present study investigated two factors, just as Olson et al. (1986) did, but it was found that the correlation between the two factors did not support the Circumplex Model. Rather, it was suggested that they had a linear relationship. The survey showed that family type had a significant influence on the family function scores of nurses during child rearing. In particular, the cohesion scores of family functions werc significantly higher in nuclear families than in extended families. The same trend was observed in both the urban and the rural groups. The results of this study suggested that the type of living environment (urban or rural) has very little influence on the cohesion score of family functions in nurses.