On Apr.1975, an autistic child was admitted to the special class for the mentally handicapped in the elementary scool attached to the faculty of education of Shimane Univ.
Befor then, he had been driven away from some public nursery institutions.
We tried to educate him not in a special class for the emotionally disturbed, but in mentally handicapped, for he had need of abundant verbal stimuli. Therefore, after the admission his basic group has been in the second class which is consisted of three children in the third or fourth grade.
His development is notable in the school life for only five months. We consider that his development is influenced by the transition in the group of the class and scool.
His development is reflected also in his drawings.
In the process of comparing with some record s before school, we understand the importance to avoid regarding the handicapped only as the handicapped. Holding this view, we must construct our instruction which agrees with the contents of their handicaps.