島根大学教育学部紀要. 教育科学

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島根大学教育学部紀要. 教育科学 6
1972-12-20 発行

教材・教具の使用過程が学習効果に及ぼす影響について : 電気そうじ機の実験授業成績

The Influence of the Process of Using Teaching Mataterials and Tools on the Effectiveness in Learning : The Results of the Experimental Lesson in which the Electric Cleaner Was Used
盛政 貞人
久我 俊子
Purpose ; As one of the series of researches on the influence exerted by the process of using teaching materials and tools on the effectiveness of learning, we intended, with the electric cleaner as the subject for the experimental lesson, to inquire into (1) the difference in the influence exercised by the textbook (T) and the object (O) respectively on the effectiveness of learning, and (2) the influence shown on the results of learning by the use of the minilyzer (ML) for testing (as the answerchecker), with a view to acquiring some previous knowledge for the use of the ML as a teaching materials, or as a tool for educational research.
Method ; The four different kinds of experimental lessons such as shown below were done at the Junior High School attached to the Faculty of Education, Shimane University (E : Evaluation).
The process of using teaching The learners
materials and tools
(a) T. E. 22 girls of 3rd Year, Class I
(b) O. E. 20 girls of 3rd Year, Class II
(c) T. ML. E. 21 girls of 3rd Year, Class III
(d) O. ML. E. 21 girls of 3rd Year, Class IV
Results ; The important results are as follows :
1. The difference in the influence of the textbook and the object on the effectiveness of learning lies in that (a) in the learning from the textbook the learner tends to exactly memorize the words as contents of the learning, and (b) in the learning through the object, she has the tendency to grasp the contents of the learning concretely and substantially, or as a whole.
2. When the minilyzer is used for testing, (a) the results obtained were such as would be followed by the increase of the learner's memorizing achievement shown in her answers,and (b) this results showed that it had less correlation with the learner's intelligent quotient than in the case of memorizing achievement in learning.