島根大学教育学部紀要. 教育科学

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島根大学教育学部紀要. 教育科学 5
1971-12-20 発行

CAIに関する研究(I) : 学習プログラム選定法について

Studies on Computer-Assisted Instruction(I) : on the Method of Choice of Learning Programs
林 隆一
野坂 弥蔵
In this paper, we report the method of choice of learning programs when there is the difference of student intelligence between the groups, in which the prepared learning programs haye been tested, and other groups that we will present them.
Algorithm for the choice of learning programs ; We make the assumptions that the probability distribution of studen intelligence is normal probability distribution and the correct answer rate is in proportion to the student intelligence. Under the above assumptions, we calculate the correct answer rate of the groups when the prepared learning programs are applied to other groups, and then chose the learning program that the correct answer rate equals to some value (0.8 in this paper).
Within the limits of the data used, theoretical values agreed well with the data.