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島根大学農学部研究報告 10
1976-12-15 発行

コンピュータ制御システムによる球根切花に関する研究(第2報) : 栽植位置による温度条件が促成チューリップの生育・開花に及ぼす影響

Studies on the Flower Production of Bulbous Plants under Computer Control System(2) : The Effect of Small Difference in Temperature on the Growth and Flowering of Tulip cv. 'Cassini' under Computer Control System
青木 宣明
吉野 蕃人
澤田 謙
井上 威久雄
Tulip cv. 'Cassini' were forced under computer control system. The temperature was controlled using overhead unit heater, and it showed small difference, within 1.6℃ at average from point to point in the system. Consequently, the numher of days from planting to flowering changed from 51 to 66.
In spite of these differences in growth duration, flowers were almost equal in quality.
For the production of desirable flowers in quality, it seemed that, 58 or 60 days of growth period during which the sum of temperature reached to about 700℃ were necessary.