Memoirs of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering Shimane University. Series A

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Memoirs of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering Shimane University. Series A 37
2003-12-15 発行


The Interpretation of the Flat Dilatometer Tests in Ariake Clay, Southwest Japan
Kamei, Takeshi
Tanaka, Masanori
The flat dilatometer in-situ testing device (DMT) provides an extremely rapid, repetitive, reliable and economic means of determing geotechnical properties from one sounding. It also has significant advantages in that the equipment is relatively simple, rugged and the procedure is easy to carry out. To investigate the usefulness of the DMT, one field application was carried out on Saga Plain (Ariake site). Results from DMT give reasonably accurate predictions of soil classification, undrained shear strength (c_u), deformation modulus (E_<50>), and overconsolidation ratio (OCR). We conclude, therefore, that DMT has an important role to play as a profiling tool to provide useful information for in-situ soil parameter predictions. To this end, we reconfirm that the DMT is easy to use, is cost effective, and is a versatile in-situ test which produces results comparable to other tests.