Laguna : 汽水域研究

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Laguna : 汽水域研究 5
1998-03 発行

インド東海岸平野の地形発達に関する二・三の知見 : コレルーラグーンとクリシュナデルタの形成期をめぐって

Preliminary Note on the Geomorphic Development of the Eastern Coast Plains of the Peninsula India : With Special Reference to the Age of Formation of the Kolleru Lagoon and the Krishuna Delta
Sadakata, Noboru
K. Nageswara Rao
Toyama, Shuichi
Kashima, Kaoru
The Kolleru lagoon between the Krishna delta and the Godavari delta was formed as the first beach ridge complex was developed. According to the radio-carbon ages of fossil shells the lagoon was present since nearly 6,300 years ago. The natural levees along the Krishna river was formed within a thousand years. It seems that the formation of the newest beach ridge complex is related with the development of these natural levees.