Laguna : 汽水域研究

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Laguna : 汽水域研究 5
1998-03 発行

オーストラリア北東海岸の汽水湖 Lake Cootharaba の堆積物

Brackish Sediments of Lake Cootharaba in the Eastern Coast of Australia
Kumon, Fujio
Tokuoka, Takao
Inouchi, Yoshio
Inoue, Takahiko
Six core sediments were sampled at 5 localities in Lake Cootharaba and Lake Cooroibah. Bottom of the lake sediments was confirmed at the two localities in the upper part of Lake Cootharaba. The sediments have characteristic density profiles, and a few peaks of high apparent density were found at all sites sampled. These peaks may represent some environmental events which prevailed widely around the Noosa River.