Memoirs of the Faculty of Education. Literature and Social science

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Memoirs of the Faculty of Education. Literature and Social science 33
1999-12-01 発行

フランス公教育確立期の世論形成 : <教育同盟>の運動を中心にして

The opinion movement for realization of the modern public education in France : La Ligue de l'enseignement
This paper tries to point out the innovative elements of the campaign for public primary education, organized by the Ligue francaise de l'enseignement before the legislation of Ferry laws (1881, 82). Because Jean Mace and other cadres estimated the importance of individual initiative for the change of "moeurs", namely the formation of citizens, the Ligue appealed especially to rural municipal activities of provinces. This approach characterized the Ligue, as compared with other political mass movements of that time.