Annual report of Education and Research Center for Lifelong Learning Shimane University

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Annual report of Education and Research Center for Lifelong Learning Shimane University 7
2010-02 発行

島根大学における公開講座のあり方について : 学習ニーズ調査からの考察

About the ideal method of the extension lecture of Shimane University : The reports of research on needs of learn
Kawakami, Youko
In 1993, the Education and Research Center for Lifelong Learning (ERCLL) was established at Shimane University to make university more accessible and available resource for offering lifelong learning opportunities to its community. ERCLL is now at forefront of the university's continuing efforts to seek better lifelong learning opportunities to its community; and thus the center is also responsible for making an assessment to critically measure the effectiveness of the programs it offers to citizens of local communities.
Many lifelong learning programs have enjoyed a good reputation within the university's neighboring communities. However, the number of participants shows a stagnant situation, and many participants are regulars. In this respect, while ERCLL and its programs enjoy a good reputation, they are hitting the wall for accessing a new and wider audience. This study inquires into the current programs and their challenges by exploring what expectations and desires the people in local communities have on university and its lifelong learning programs.