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島根農科大学研究報告 4
1956-05-30 発行


On a Formula in the Analysis of Variance.
Singu, Tadao
The formula for the analysis of variance in the case of two variables of ciassification with repeated measurements in each cell is not unique. According to the probability-model, some formulas are right but some are wrong. Namely, when the interaction exists, even in the orthogonal case, the formula for the variance-ratio (F-ratio) may be written in two ways ; one has the interaction mean-square as its denominator while the other has tbe within-groups mean-square as its denominator. In this study I have discussed which method would be more reasonable in ordinary experiments. The conclusion is as follows :
Only in the model I (systematic set-up) the former is usable, but in the model II (random-set-up) the latter should be used.