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島根農科大学研究報告 14
1965-12-31 発行


On the estimation of growth percentage of the Kuromatsu trees (Pinus Thunbergii Parl.)
Yamashina, Kenji
The estimation of growth percentage in volume is an important problem in a forest management.
Growth percentage in height affects tree volume percentage to a considerable degree(0.67-3.75%), and we must pay principal attention to the estimation of the growth in height. In this paper, we compared with 4 methods - PRESSLER'S, SCHNIDER'S, HIRATA'S and (2P_d + P_h) formula - in the accuracy of measurement at the stand of Kromatsu(Pinus Thunbergii Parl.)
The results of the experiments and summarized in Tables 1-3 and illustrated in Figures 1-3.