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島根農科大学研究報告 11
1963-01-31 発行


Karyotype Analysis in Tulipa(IX)
Takusagawa, Harushige
Yoshida, Masaharu
Yasukawa, Tomoniro
1.The karyotype studies were made on seven races in Tulipa gesneriana.
2. All the races studies were diploid, having twenty four somatic chromosomes.
3. The karyotypes of all the races used were analyzed. It was found that some of the karyotypes are similar to each other while the others are different from each other.
4. From the standpoint of the karyotype the seven races may by classified into two types. A-2 type. Boule de Neige and Professor Rauwenhof. B type : Violet Beauty, White Sail, Violetta, White Rock and Allard Pierson.