Attribute Original article
Author Ogawa, Noriko/ HIRAYAMA, Nanae/ ABE, Yumiko/
Journal Title Shimane Journal of Medical Science
Volume 40
Issue 3-4
Published Date 2023-12
DOI 10.51010/sjms.40.3-4_55
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
rights(link) Creative Commons License
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Author FUKUNAGA, Shohei/ Ogawa, Noriko/ Matsumoto, Akihiro/ ITO, Takafumi/ Tanabe, kazuaki/ Otani, Hiroki/
Journal Title Biochemistry and biophysics reports
Volume 30
Published Date 2022-03-08
NII Type Journal Article
Attribute Original article
Author Nitta, Tetsuya/ Ogawa, Noriko/ GETACHEW, Dereje/ Matsumoto, Akihiro/ Udagawa, Jun/ Otani, Hiroki/
Journal Title Shimane journal of medical science
Volume 33
Issue 2
Published Date 2017-03-01
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Author Notsu, Masakazu/ Yamaguchi, Toru/ Okazaki, Kyoko/ Tanaka, Ken-ichiro/ Ogawa, Noriko/ Kanazawa, Ippei/ Sugimoto, Toshitsugu/
Journal Title Endocrinology
Volume 115
Issue 7
Published Date 2014-07-01
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Attribute case report
Author Ogawa, Noriko/ Yano, Shozo/ Takeno, Ayumu/ Yamane, Yuko/ Tanaka, Sayuri/ Sugimoto, Toshitugu/
Journal Title Shimane journal of medical science
Volume 31
Issue 1
Published Date 2014-12-01
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF