Laguna : 汽水域研究

アクセス数 : 1317
ダウンロード数 : 103
Laguna : 汽水域研究 10 巻
2003-03 発行


Characteristics of Flushed Dam Sediments with Dark Sludge from Dashidaira Dam, Toyama, Japan
田崎 和江
國峯 由貴江
森川 俊和
Khodjah Chaerun Siti
朝田 隆二
宮田 浩志郎
脇元 理恵
池田 頼正
佐藤 一博
瀬川 宏美
小路 奈々絵
藤沢 亜希子
盛一 慎吾
d0070010l001.pdf ( 1.9 MB )
Dashidaira Dam and Unazuki Dam at Kurobe River, Toyama, Japan are regularly flushed sediments since 1991. The flushing of sediments has been impacted on ecosystem of under stream and Toyama Bay. Parameter of river water, such as pH, Eh, EC and DO at four places, were measured. Clay mineralogical components of dam sediments conducted in the two reservoirs have made it possible to evaluate the characteristics of sedimentation. Biological data are also essential because they allow comparisons to be made with conditions upper and lower of the dam sediments. At 15:30 on July 14 th, 2002, dark sludge with low oxygen was flushed from Dashidaira Dam, which was collected from Ononuma Park. The dark sludge contains expandable clay minerals with strictly anaerobic bacteria, indicating pH 6.8, Eh -210 mV, EC 143μS/cm and DO 0.9 mg/l. Physical, mineralogical and biological properties of flushed dam sediments(dark sludge) from Dashidaira Dam differ from the upper clean stream cause strong negative in downstream of Kurobe River. It had better leave river alone.