
.1 巻
早坂 一郎
PP. 0 -
On the Style of Art in Hakuo Era in the History of Japanese Art and the Statues of Kannon-Bosatsu in the Gakuenji Temple
天野 茂時
PP. 1 - 16
Realism in Teaching Procedure
金築 修
PP. 17 - 25
Construction of Curriculum
片山 光治
PP. 26 - 41
The Epochal Characteristic in History Education in the Meiji Era
岩成 博
PP. 42 - 55
Some Considerations on the "Wechselbereicherungsanspruch" for Wechsel
村川 澄
PP. 1 - 15
Process of the Growth of Marx's Theory of the State
山田 政治
PP. 16 - 31
An Essay on the Theory about "Gyoson-Kyodotai"
山岡 栄市
PP. 32 - 48
A Note on Convertible and Inconvertible Bank-notes
深貝 善太郎
PP. 49 - 59
Comparative Study about Relationships between Form and Function of Political Area
池田 善昭
PP. 60 - 72
The Point of View in Novels
冨士川 和男
PP. 1 - 11
Diction and Style of the "Kaicho-on"
森 亮
PP. 12 - 31
A Re-examination of Interporation Theory of the "Nihonshoki"
友田 吉之助
PP. 32 - 47
Sue-Potteries of the San-in District
山本 清
PP. 48 - 64
Study on Heidegger's "Entwurf" and "Vorlaufen"
岡林 克己
PP. 65 - 83
Some Aspects of Early Jishu-Sect Clergy
河野 憲善
PP. 84 - 99
On the Construing Marks of "The Glorification of the Kongo-Hannya-Sutra"
大坪 併治
PP. 100 - 125
Biographical Notes on Fujiwara Tamekane as a Tanka-poet
小原 幹雄
PP. 126 - 145
Realism of Shiga Naoya
伊沢 元美
PP. 146 - 155
Supplementary Comments on Nature Poems of the "Kaifuso"
杉本 行夫
PP. 156 - 170
Temperature Dependence of Microwave Resonance in Polycrystalline Mixed Ferrite
竹本 將 岡 真弘 (旧名:正巳)
PP. 1 - 7
Observation of α-Particle-Nucleus Collision in Nuclear Emulsion
寺中 正彦
PP. 8 - 11
Studies on the Progress of Japanese Genus Mentha
長沢 徹
PP. 12 - 33
On the Occurrence of Neospirifer fasciger(KEYSERLING) in Japan, and a Note on Some Associate Permian Brachiopods from around Kesennuma City, Northeast Japan
早坂 一郎
PP. 34 - 70
Geochemical Studies on the Chromites of the Tari District, Tottori Prefecture, Japan
北原 順一
PP. 71 - 97
On some Noteworthy Fresh-water Algae from Japan
秋山 優
PP. 98 - 104
On the Development of the Hatching Glands in the Fresh-water Teleost, Zacco temminckii
伊賀 哲郎
PP. 105 - 109
Physiological Studies on Shaking Culture of Yeasts
西上 一義
PP. 110 - 117
Notes on the Geographical Distribution of Drosophilid Flies in Matsue City and its Adjacent Localities
若浜 健一
PP. 118 - 120
An Analysis of Walking of the Goat in Draft
盛政 貞人
PP. 121 - 142
On the Symmetric Quasi-range and Quasi-midrange
田村 亮二
PP. 143 - 152
On a Certain Class on Idempotent Semigroups
山田 深雪
PP. 153 - 161
On James H. S. Bossard's Situation Concept
野津 良夫
PP. 1 - 6
A Study on Signes of Development in Adolescent Groups : Approach to the "Youthfulness"
小滝 信夫
PP. 7 - 23
The Districts and Social Attitudes : Measurement of Attitudes toward Kitsune-mochi (Fox-possession)(No.3)
野村 昭
PP. 1 - 13
PP. 14 - 34
Some Considerations on "From Hoki to Oki" by Lafcadio Hearn : The Development from His Notes to the Final Version
梶谷 延
PP. 1 - 23
A Study of R.M.Rilke's"New Poems"
古川 尚雄 神崎 義一 早川 昭
PP. 24 - 38