Current Issue
Journal of social systems
.Volume 1
PP. 0 -
PP. 1 - 14
PP. 15 - 36
PP. 37 - 51
PP. 81 - 94
PP. 95 - 113
On the Verious Aspects of human activity and paleo environment during the Jomon Transgression stage at the Shimane university site on the Matsue plain
PP. 115 - 134
PP. 135 - 154
Der immerwahrende Reichstag zu Regensburg und das Reichskreiswesen,1662-1664
PP. 155 - 167
PP. 169 - 179
The Provincial Remitance System in the Song Dynasty;its Component and Financial Operation
Shimasue Kazuyasu
PP. 1 - 22
Hara Takashi and THe Conference of the Prefectural Governor : Its funtional Establishment after the Russo-Japanese War
PP. (23 - 38)
Ranking of Exiles Sent to Islands under the Penal System in Early Modem Japan
Matsuo Hisashi
PP. (39 - 53)