.4 巻
Analysis of learning and development through short ”trial” as an introductory activity in elementary school art lesson
大野 寛人
PP. 1 - 10
Japanese language department methods techniques of instruction aiming at development of language competence : focused on reflection of one's own learning
鳥居 亜紀子
PP. 11 - 20
The Relationships between the Environment and mental health affecting teachers : in order to continue working, valuing one's position in school
金谷 直美
PP. 21 - 30
A study on supportive approaches for parents of elementary and junior-high school students in special education classes in Unnan city : suitable guidance counseling for special education teachers
土谷 徹
PP. 31 - 40
Effective teaching of English at junior high school depending on the traits of students : practical use of students' learning styles
中釜 智子
PP. 41 - 50
A study of improving the learning of modern Japanese history based on local and historical figures : through the classes on Reijiro Wakatuki and Heiji Fukuda
岩田 遵子
PP. 51 - 60
Fundamental study on Nakaumi sapropel (so-called hedoro) as a teaching material : through practice of environmental studies in junior high school
齋木 雅之
PP. 61 - 70
