
アクセス数 : 1326
ダウンロード数 : 395
島根大学生涯学習教育研究センター年報 Volume 9
published_at 2012-10

松江地域における日本語ボランティア活動の歩みの概括と今後の展望 : 松江地域事情に配慮した「日本語ボランティア養成講座」のプログラムデザインの準備

Historical abstract and future landscape on the activities of volunteer Japanese groups in Matsue region : A preliminary study on the desirable design of a program on the training seminar for volunteer Japanese teachers, with regard to the special situation of Matsue region
Matsuda Miyuki
b008009002.pdf ( 1.14 MB )
This article describes important properties needed for the design of a program on the training seminar for volunteer Japanese teachers who will work in Matsue region. The authors have summarized historical footsteps of the activities of volunteer Japanese groups, and would like to present future landscape for them. The activities of volunteer Japanese groups have first begun at the middle age of 1990’s as a response to the abrupt increase of foreign people in Matsue region. The authors have found out that the history of such activities can be divided into two major periods; the former as the preparative age to accept foreign people, the latter as the searching age of the way for building up a convivial society with them. Three points were regarded as characteristic properties of Matsue region, “the lack of institutes for Japanese education”, “academic city”, and “city of international culture and tourism”. With regard to those points, the authors have concluded that various aspects should be considered in the design of a program for volunteer Japanese teachers, e.g. as to increase persons who can communicate with easy Japanese, to support those who want to become specialists on Japanese education, as well as to give an ability to work in volunteer Japanese classes.