ダウンロード数 : 78

公開日 : 2021-03-18
616 KB

川島 耕作 医学部内科学講座内科学第二
Sumi, Shohei Department of Internal Medicine II, Shimane University Faculty of Medicine, 89-1 Enya-cho, Izumo, Shimane, 693-8501, Japan
園山 裕之
石川 典由 医学部
石原 俊治 医学部内科学講座内科学第二
We report a case of sigmoid endometriosis diagnosed preoperatively based on endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) findings. A 42-year-old female came to us with left lower abdominal pain and bloating that had started 3 months prior. CT and MRI results showed wall thickening of the sigmoid colon. A colonoscopy procedure could not be completed because passage through the sigmoid colon was blocked due to severe stenosis, while mucosal biopsy samples obtained during that procedure could not confirm a diagnosis. EUS-FNA was then performed and specimens were obtained from the muscular layer with stenosis, which revealed a thickened hypoechoic lesion. Histological findings obtained by use of EUS-FNA demonstrated a large amount of fibrosis in endometrial glands and a diagnosis of sigmoid endometriosis was confirmed by additional immunostaining. Thus, a laparoscopic sigmoidectomy was performed, with sigmoid endometriosis finally diagnosed. Confirmation of a diagnosis of intestinal endometriosis based on histological findings of mucosal biopsy specimens obtained by colonoscopy is difficult, because endometrial implants are primarily located in the serosal and/or muscular layer. When safe aspiration is possible, we consider that EUS-FNA can be an effective method for preoperative diagnosis of intestinal endometriosis, which may contribute to avoidance of unnecessary or excessive surgery.
Sigmoid endometriosis
Preoperative diagnosis
Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology 13 , 158 - 163 , 2019-09-23
Springer Nature