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島根大学理学部紀要 20
1986-12-25 発行


Morphological study on Sauvageaugloia ikomae (NARITA) INAGAKI (Phaeophyta,Chordariaceae) from the Oki Islands, Shimane Prefecture
梶村 光男
Results of the present writer's observations on the morphology of the sporophyte of Sauvageaugloia ikomae (NARITA) INAGAKI (Phaeophyta, Chordariaceae) and the development of gametophyte are described herein. Unilocular sporangia and gametopyte are newly reported for this alga. Unilocular sporangia arise from the basal cell of the assimilatory filaments, ellipsoidal to obovate, 45-70 μm long, 25-40 μm broad and sessile or stipitate. Swarmers discharged from plurilocular sporangia germinate according to the immediate filamentous pattern.