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島根大学総合理工学部紀要.シリーズA 30
1997-03-25 発行


Experimental Study on Heat Transfer Coefficient on Wet Rooftop Surface
小林 定教
萩原 文雄
Heat transfer coefficient on the building external surface is an important constant indispensable for numerical calculations of building heat load, room temperature changs, condensation, etc. There is a problem in adopting the value of heat transfer coefficient in wind tunnel experiments or in field experiments in which a small heat flow panel is attached to the buiding wall surface as the surface heat transfer coefficient for the entire building.
Consequently, it is necessary to newly develop and expand the measurement method for the architectural heat transfer coefficient.
For this purpose, the authors developed a method of measuring the convective heat flux density in the field, using a SAT meter and pyrradiometer.
With this research, the convective heat transfer flux density on the rooftop surface in which radiation cooling at nighttime caused surface condensation was found from the conduction heat flow density of the SAT meter, radiation barance amount and condensation weight variations.
In this report, careful consideration was given to the convective heat transfer coefficient on the wet surface and heat transfer coefficient on the wet surface, including the latent heat amount, based on the results thus found.