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島根大学総合理工学部紀要.シリーズA 30
1997-03-25 発行


Prograde eclogites from Sambagawa basic schists in the Sebadani area, central Shikoku, Japan
猶原 亮介
青矢 睦月
In the Besshi district of the Sambagawa metamophic belt,basic schist layers o㏄ur crossing the middle portions of the Seba valley,there are two texture types of prograde eclogites.One is fomed by contact metamorphism of emplacement of high grade tectonic-block. They occur in the area that is only a few 1O m from the tectonic-block.They are randomly oriented and have coarse-grained omphasite porphyroblastes. The other type has fine-grained omphasites forming schistosity and lineation. Some eclogites retain eclogite facies mineralgg,and they occur in wide area of the Sebadani area. Therefore there is a possibility that the Sambagawa schist in this area were reached to the eclogite facies P-T conditions.