Shimane Journal of Medical Science

Shimane University Faculty of Medicine
ISSN :0386-5959(冊子体)
ISSN :2433-2410(オンライン)

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Shimane Journal of Medical Science 3 1
1979-06-01 発行

Survey on the Medical Care and Daily Life of Patients 'Intractable Diseases' in Shimane Prefecture

多田 學
Kamada, Toshihiko
福澤 陽一郎
岸本 拓治
岸本 泰子
Togitani, Masao
Watanabe, Masami
Yoshino, Miyoko
An interview survey on the medical care and daily life of 128 patients of 'intractable diseases' in Shimane Prefecture was carried out in 1977. Seventy-one (55.4%) of the patients regarded the medical care in various institutions as quite satisfactory. Ninety-three patients (72.7%) went to hospital as out-patients. Concerning the difficulties of their daily life,42.7% could lead an ordinary life, but more than half had some hindrance. Of the latter group only 15.6% were in-patients, and 84.4% were out-patients. Long-term medical care and more attentive guidance by expert physicians and public health nurses is urgently required for these out-patients.