Shimane Journal of Medical Science

Shimane University Faculty of Medicine
ISSN :0386-5959(冊子体)
ISSN :2433-2410(オンライン)

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Shimane Journal of Medical Science 26
2009-12-01 発行

Nipple-Areolar-Complex Sparing Breast-Conserving Surgery as an Acceptable Treatment Option for Patients With Centrally-located Breast Cancer: a Case Report

Kimoto, Takeo
Sakao, Jun
Shibakita, Muneaki
Kimura, Toshihiro
Akedo, Hiroshi
Inoue, Yoshifumi
For centrally-located breast cancer (CLBC), the nipple-areolar-complex (NAC) preservation surgery had not been generally recommended because of their highly malignant involvement into the NAC. However, the recent preliminary studies, performing nipplesparing mastectomy (NSM), have shown that NACpreserving surgery is clinically and oncologic ally sound treatment in some selected patients. Under these backgrounds, we performed the NAC-sparing breast-conserving surgery with immediate latissimus dorsi muscular flap reconstruction for fifty-six yearold woman, who had a 12 mm-sized periareolar breast cancer located at 1.5 cm distant from her nipple. She has not presented any signs of recurrences to date (for 30 months since the operation). This procedure can be an option for the selected cases of CLBC.