Shimane Journal of Medical Science

Shimane University Faculty of Medicine
ISSN :0386-5959(冊子体)
ISSN :2433-2410(オンライン)

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Shimane Journal of Medical Science 26
2009-12-01 発行

Quantitative Measurements of Hip Abductor Muscle Strength After Total Hip Arthroplasty Using the Direct Lateral Approach: Recovery of the Abductor Strength in Total Hip Arthroplasty

Yamaguchi, Hidetoshi
真田 英明
柿丸 裕之
Twelve osteoarthritic female patients with unilateral involvement underwent total hip arthroplasty (THA) using the direct lateral approach (DLA). After discharge, a home program of isometric muscle exercises on both sides of the hip was prescribed for 6 months. Clinical evaluation and measurement of the strength of hip abductor muscles were performed at 6 months, I and 2 years postoperatively.
Statistically significant improvement in the Merle d' Aubigne hip score was obtained at 6 months postoperatively, but the recovery of hip abductor muscle strength was slightly delayed. The ratio of peak torque of abductor muscles in the operated hip to that in the non-operated hip was 68.6 ± 31.4% preoperatively and reached 77.8 ± 31.4% at 6 months, 91.5 ± 21.2% at 1 year, and 93.4 ± 20.8% at 2 years postoperatively. Our results indicate that the DLA does not have a deleterious effect on recovery of the abductor muscle strength.