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島根医科大学紀要 13
1990-12-01 発行

アクチン配列情報解析 : II. 塩基置換・アミノ酸変異解析

Sequence Information Analysis of Actin : II. Nucleotide Replacement and Amino acid Mutation
浅井 正俊
田中 修三
清水 俊夫
Sequence variability of 28 actin genes from various species has been examined by pairwice comparison.
The nucleotide replacement ratio β and the amino acid mutation ratio α were calculated using sequence information analysis program AUTO developed by us for 16-bit personal computer.
It was found that, 1) nucleotide replacements occurred mainly at the third letter positions in codons, 2) about l0% of gene nucleotides has been replaced between actins with identical amino acid sequences.