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山陰研究 1
2008-12-31 発行

『松江竹枝』の作者篠田謙治について : その履歴と『山陰新聞』所載の漢詩

On Shinoda Kenji, the author of Matsue Chikushi
要木 純一 島根大学法文学部言語文化学科
Matsue Chikushi (handwritten) is a book of Kanshi (poem written by Chinese characters) about Yukaku (the red-light district) in Matsue City in early Meiji Era. The author Seiken had been unidentified. I found the same poems in San-in Shimbun, the newspaper which was then issued in Matsue City, and identified Seiken as Shinoda Kenji, who was a lower-ranking official transferred to Matsue City. Later he became a comparatively famous Waka (Japanese traditional short poems) poet. I compared the poems appeared in Matsue Chikushi with those in San-in Shimbun, collected Shinoda's other poems and traced a part of his personal history.