島根大学教育学部紀要. 自然科学

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島根大学教育学部紀要. 自然科学 27 1/2
1993-12-25 発行

両生類の核型進化(I) : アシナシイモリ目 (無足類,Order Gymnophiona)

Karyoevolution in Amphibia(I) : Gymnophiona(A Review)
瀬戸 武司
The present report emphasizes the divergence of karyological patterns in Gymnophiona, especially Typhlonectidae of the most advanced family on the one hand and Ichthyophiidae that is recognized as a primitive family on the other. This distinct differences between the karyotypes of the derived type Ichthyophis orthoplicatus and advanced type Chthonerpeton indistinctum are the existence of microchromosomes which reflects a variation in chromosome numbers and NF (Fundamental Number, i.e. number of chromosome arms). Morphological divergence and variety of life history in Gymnophiona generally reflect on the karyological variation in their respective family.