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島根大学生物資源科学部研究報告 6
2001-12-20 発行


Comparative histochemical study of the livers of marine fishes in relation to their behavior
井上 明日香
濱名 昭弘
Background/Aims: Teleost livers are classified into two groups by histochemical properties in hepatocytes. One group contains the abundant glycogen, and the other contains the lipids in hepatocytes. The hepatic metabolism is in intimate connection of hepatic blood circulation and biliary pathway. We have studied on the correlation between behavior and histological components in livers by histochemical technique. Methods: Fifty species marine teleosts were collected from the local coasts of Shimane Peninsula and Oki Island. Livers were fixed by perfusion with paraformaldehyde, and observed by light microscopy in Osmium staining for lipid and PAS staining for glycogen. Sinusoids and vascular beds in blood capillaries were identified by immunohistochemistry for α-smooth muscle actin. Results: The lipid-rich livers had 13 fishes, the glycogen-rich livers had 33 fishes and both glycogen and lipid livers had 4 fishes. Hepatopancreas had 26 fishes. The glycogen-rich livers were well developed both the sinusoidal blood system and the bile ductal system. In contrast, the lipid-rich livers were poor developed of the sinusoidal capillaries. Conclusions: The present study indicates that there were differences in the pattern of hepatic histochemical components with different moving habits. A group of streamlined and well move fish has glycogen-rich liver, and a stocky body and poor move fish that live in the bottom of the sea, has lipid-rich liver.

 脊椎動物の肝臓は,一般に糖代謝すなわちグリコ−ゲンを主体としたエネルギ−代謝系を構築しているが,魚類から哺乳類に至る動物の中には,積極的に糖質から脂質転換を行って,トリグリセリド(TG)の形で肝臓に貯蔵し,このTG がβ−酸化を経てTCA サイクルに取り込まれて,エネルギ−代謝系を構築しているグループが存在する(8,9).このTG を主体とした貯蔵様式をとっている脂肪性肝臓は,病態時(10−12)におけるいわゆる脂肪肝(Fatty change)または脂肪変性(Fatty regeneration)とは明らかに異なっており,その成立要因はほとんど解明されていない.
 脂肪性肝臓を有する代表的な動物種は軟骨魚類,硬骨魚類の一部であり,両棲類幼生であるオタマジャクシをはじめ,ヒト胎児期のある一定時期においても脂肪性の肝臓を有している(13).特に魚類の肝臓は,組織学的に主としてTG が貯蔵された脂肪性肝臓とグリコ−ゲンの貯蔵を主体としたグリコ−ゲン肝を有する群に2分され,それぞれの代謝系は肝内微小循環系(14)および胆管系(15−18)と密接に連動して機能している.