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島根大学生物資源科学部研究報告 3
1998-12-20 発行


Comparison of the Shearing Properties of Compacted Soil and Normally or Over-Consolidated Soil
鳥山 晄司
The shearing properties of compacted soils are generally considered to be comparable with that of normally consolidated and over consolidated soils.
Using Fujinomori clay, CU and CD triaxial compression tests were performed on densely compacted specimen and CU tests were performed on normally consolidated and over consolidated specimen.
The shearing properties of CU and CD tests of compacted soils and inundateded soils with back pressure u_b=1.0kgf/<cm>^2 after compaction are nearly equa to each other.
The failure envelope for total stress of normaly consolidated and over consolidated soil is closely approximate with bilinear line and that for effective stress is closely approximate with linear line. On the other hand, the failure envelopes for total stress and effective stress are expressed respectively with linear lines.From these results, the shrearing properties of compacted soil are not approximate with that of normally consolidated and over consolidated soil.
